The initiative runs now through March 31, 2023.
EBONY - Black-owned liquor brand Uncle Nearest Whiskey continues to raise the bar. The brand, which was recently named as the most successful Black-owned distillery, announced an initiative aimed at raising $1 million for 58 underfunded historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Owner Fawn Weaver says the inspiration comes from former Jackson State University head coach, Deion Sanders' push to bring more visibility to the schools.
"Many have opinions about Deion Sanders' decision to move from Jackson State, an HBCU, to Colorado. I will tell you what I know to be true: Coach Prime put a much-needed spotlight on how HBCU programs can compete if they are properly funded," said Weaver, founder and CEO of Uncle Nearest. "He showed us what one person with influence, shining a light on HBCUs, can do to help. Enrollment in HBCUs grew tremendously after Beyoncé's 2019 film, Homecoming. I am certainly no Beyoncé, but I have a spotlight on me, and it's my greatest honor to be able to shift that spotlight where it should be—on our incredible Historically Black Colleges and Universities. When I reached out to share this program, so many of them asked me, 'What can we do to help?' I told each of them that I didn't want them to do anything. It's our turn to be torchbearers and give back, asking nothing in return."
The Uncle Nearest HBCU Old Fashioned Challenge will donate $1 towards the cause for each Uncle Nearest old-fashioned cocktail purchased at participating bars and every bottle of whiskey sold at participating online and brick-and-mortar retail stores. The spirit powerhouse also urges fans to create their own Uncle Nearest old-fashioned recipes at home, and submit photos on www.oldfashionedcocktail.com. For each photo received, an additional $1 will be added to the fund. There will also be special branded old-fashioned cocktail kits sold on reservebar.com, with proceeds from each purchase going toward the HBCU initiative.
The campaign runs from Jan. 16, 2023 until March 31, 2023.